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Best way to convert youtube to mp3 format

sarah e-mail dne 14.4.2023 v 22:42 napsal(a):

YouTube is a perfect source of music. You can almost find any music you want on YouTube. This has caused many people to log into YouTube to listen to music every day. If you are a music lover, you know that there are many differences between listening to music online and offline. To listen to music online, you need to be connected to the Internet all the time, and this is not possible if you are in a place where the Internet connection is poor. Also, listening to music online will consume your internet bandwidth, which will certainly cost you money.
Maybe you have listened to a music on YouTube and thought to yourself, what if I could download this music and play it on my phone's music player!? In this article, I am going to introduce you a tool so that you can download YouTube videos in MP3 format.

How to convert YouTube videos to MP3 and download them to mobile or personal computer ?

YTMP3 is a great youtube to mp3 converter. With the help of YTMP3, you can convert YouTube videos with the highest quality (up to 320 kbps) to MP3 format and then download them to your mobile phone or personal computer.
This tool is completely free and you do not need to install any application to use it.
If you have the address of the YouTube video you want, just enter it in the YTMP3 address field and then click on the MP3 button and select the desired quality and download it.

Another way is to search for the name of the song or part of the song's lyrics in YTMP3 and find the music you want from the results and download it in MP3 format.

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